The Wider Circle Ambassador program enhances our Connect for Life communities by offering opportunities for members to deepen their engagement and share their interests, skills, and passions with others.

Ambassadors enjoy added health and wellbeing benefits by serving as a trusted resource, a helping hand, and a faithful friend, willing to share life’s experiences with fellow members.

Through community development and peer to peer connections, Ambassadors ensure we deliver on our mission of “connecting neighbors for better health.”

Ready to Make a Lasting
Impact on Your Community?
Get Started Today!

Call 601-265-1110 or email

How It Works

Discover the Ambassador Program

Join us for a virtual, once-monthly meeting to explore the Ambassador program and learn more!

Ambassador Orientation

Learn the basics of what it means to be an Ambassador, discuss the different opportunities to help, and how your support can really make a difference in the community.

Ambassador Meet Ups
Support your community, participate in a monthly virtual gathering, and connect with Wider Circle ambassadors across the country.

Meet the Ambassador Engagement Team!

Arika Quick
Director of Ambassador Engagement

“The connections, the authentic relationships, and the kindness help foster an environment of support unlike any I have ever witnessed. That is why it is my honor to work with Ambassadors, Wider Circles true heroes.”

Denise Raach Doyle
Ambassador Manager

“Ambassadors are the key to building stronger, healthier and happier communities. They bring life experiences, talents and passions to provide friendship and a sense of purpose to others. Be an inspiration! You are never too old or too young to lead or encourage others.”