Close up photo of a group of seniors smiling together in the park

Neighbors helping neighbors to live healthier and happier is at the core of Wider Circle’s mission, so it’s no surprise that Healthy Aging Month is one of our favorite times of the year. Healthy Aging Month is recognized as a time to celebrate the positive aspects of growing older. In-person and virtually, Wider Circle members across the country enjoyed sharing their top tips and tricks for staying independent and mentally and physically healthy. Take a look at these crowd favorites, and remember: It’s never too late to try something new! 

Try Healthy, Homegrown and Homemade 

“Would you ever guess I’m 95? I make all my meals from scratch, and I grow fresh produce in my own backyard. Daily gardening brings me great joy. It goes along with my other secret to a long life: to stay active. I don’t let age limit me.”

— Mary B.

Mary B., Wider Circle Member

Walk Your Worries Away

“I am very convinced that everyone should find a way to do some sort of daily physical activity they can stick to. The effects of even moderate exercise will result in better control of blood pressure and body weight and can prevent depression.”

— Jorge S.

Jorge S., Wider Circle Member

Keep Diabetes in Check with Small Changes 

“I have had type 2 diabetes for ten years. To control it, I have made small but steady changes to my life: I exercise by walking at least 25 minutes every day. I eat less sugar and do not eat high-fat foods. As a result, I take less medication. Having a regimen and a routine is what helps us stay healthy.”

— Dolores O.

Dolores O., Wider Circle Member

Sleep Well, Socialize and Stay Positive

“Getting enough sleep is essential for me to feel good and stay productive each day. I go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every day. I am active in church events and like to socialize with different types of people. I like to listen to happy music. I feel like a positive adult, and I integrate myself into society. I repeat to myself daily: ‘Today is going to be a great day’ –  even if the day is gray.”

— Francisco A.

Francisco A., Wider Circle Member

Try Charles’ Checklist for Happier Days, Together

1. Teach others the good and wonderful things you have experienced in life.

2. Look forward to trying new things with new people.

3. Share joys and talents that you have accumulated.

4. Listen as others talk and be there for them when they need you.

6. Remember, we cannot read minds, so let others know when you have needs so they can help.

— Charles M.

Charles M., Wider Circle Member

The information included in this blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

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About the author: Brian Christina